Showing 201 - 225 of 275 Results
Discours de Napol�on Sur les V�rit�s et les Sentiments Qu'il Importe le Plus d'Inculquer Aux... by Napoleon, Gourgaud, Gaspard ISBN: 9780270665710 List Price: $13.95
Memoirs of the History of France During the Reign of Napoleon; Volume 4 by I, Napoleon, Gourgaud, Baro... ISBN: 9781377422251 List Price: $18.95
Memoirs of the History of France During the Reign of Napoleon; Volume 2 by I, Napoleon, Gourgaud, Baro... ISBN: 9781377423623 List Price: $19.95
Memoirs of the History of France During the Reign of Napoleon; Volume 7 by I, Napoleon, Gourgaud, Baro... ISBN: 9781377439952 List Price: $18.95
Memoirs of the History of France During the Reign of Napoleon; Volume 6 by Napoleon, Gourgaud, Gaspard ISBN: 9781377461595 List Price: $19.95
Memoirs of the History of France During the Reign of Napoleon; Volume 3 by I, Napoleon, Gourgaud, Baro... ISBN: 9781377750248 List Price: $18.95
Napoléon Et La Grande Armée En Russie, Ou, Examen Critique De L'ouvrage De M. Le Comte Ph. D... by Gourgaud, Baron Gaspard, Ba... ISBN: 9781376528961 List Price: $12.95
Napoleon and the Grand Army in Russia (Classic Reprint) by Gourgaud, Gaspard ISBN: 9780267972418 List Price: $34.83
Napoleon and the Grand Army in Russia, Or, a Critical Examination of Count Philip de Ségur's... by Baron Gaspard Gourgaud ISBN: 9780343790257 List Price: $27.95
Memoirs of the History of France During the Reign of Napoleon; Volume 1 by Napoleon I, Baron Gaspard G... ISBN: 9780344035333 List Price: $46.95
Memoirs of the History of France During the Reign of Napoleon; Volume 1 by Napoleon I, Baron Gaspard G... ISBN: 9780344035326 List Price: $29.95
Memoirs of the History of France During the Reign of Napoleon; Volume III by Gaspard Gourgaud, Charles J... ISBN: 9780353901681 List Price: $27.95
Memoirs of the History of France During the Reign of Napoleon; Volume III by Gaspard Gourgaud, Charles J... ISBN: 9780353901674 List Price: $17.95
Napoleon and the Grand Army in Russia, Or, a Critical Examination of Count Philip De Ségur's... by Gourgaud, Baron Gaspard, Ba... ISBN: 9781375484978 List Price: $13.52
Napoleon and the Grand Army in Russia, Or, a Critical Examination of Count Philip de Ségur's... by Baron Gaspard Gourgaud ISBN: 9780343790264 List Price: $44.95
Campagne De 1815 : Ou Relation des Op�rations Militaires Qui Ont Eu Lieu en France et en Bel... by Gourgaud, Baron Gaspard ISBN: 9780270625189 List Price: $24.95
Campagne De 1815 : Ou Relation des Op�rations Militaires Qui Ont Eu Lieu en France et en Bel... by Gourgaud, Baron Gaspard ISBN: 9780270625172 List Price: $14.95
M�moires Pour Servir � l'Histoire de France Sous Napol�on : �crits � Sainte-H�l�ne; Volume 1 by I, Napoleon, Gourgaud, Baro... ISBN: 9780270323184 List Price: $27.95
M�moires Pour Servir � l'Histoire de France Sous Napol�on : �crits � Sainte-H�l�ne; Volume 1 by I, Napoleon, Gourgaud, Baro... ISBN: 9780270323177 List Price: $17.95
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